Next Built by Pine Grove Homes
Introducing Next-Built by Pine Grove Homes…
Affordably incorporating the latest building technology into our high-quality manufactured homes. These homes are built to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Zero Energy Ready Home standard.
About Next-Built…
Next-Built homes are designed and built to minimize power consumption. We have utilized advanced framing techniques that reduce studs in corners without compromising structural integrity, added foam insulation to structural headers, and enhanced our already-strong floor, wall, and roof insulation to create a tight and well-insulated thermal envelope. Other improvements include LED lighting, energy-efficient kitchen appliances, a hybrid heat pump water heater and your choice of either a high-efficiency gas furnace or an all-electric heat pump.
Next-Built homes are also Solar Ready, and solar panels can be installed on the home by the homeowner (if and when they are ready) to take advantage of a renewable source of power than can substantially offset ever-increasing electric bills. When you add together the factory installation of these energy-saving improvements and the capability of solar, a homeowner can save an average of 40-50% on their electric bill.
The Benefits…
First, it’s no secret that houslng affordability is a major obstacle in America. The operational and energy costs (gas, electric, water, sewer, broadband & cable, trash, etc.) have risen substantially in recent years and are projected to continue to rise. The electricity savings will substantially reduce the total cost of ownership which will allow homeowners to do more of the things they love.
Second, Next-Built homes allow Pine Grove to remain at the forefront of residential construction and to continue to reshape the manufactured housing industry. Our homebuyers understand the importance of quality and thoughtfulness in design and construction. They also appreciate low maintenance burdens and the use of first-class components that enjoy wide support and repair capability when it is needed. Next-Built homes utilize hybrid heat pump water heaters made by Rheem, high-efficiency gas downdraft furnaces with moderated BTU outputs (to burn less gas and heat more efficiently) made by Miller, and heat pumps made by Mitsubishi. Think a heat pump isn't for you? Think again; they've come a long way even in the last few years, and they outperform alternatives in even the coldest climates. Call us to learn more about how and why.
Next Steps…
There are some modifications to the installation of a Next-Built home, and we can walk you through those. In testing, we found that requirements for a Next-Built home aren't all that more stringent than what you do for a typical installation. If you're electing a high-efficiency gas furnace, there's nothing you need to do that you don't already do. Once gas and electric are hooked up, the home will be capable of being heated. The high-efficiency gas furnace is A/C ready, meaning that your HVAC subcontractor can install an outdoor condensing unit and run the line-set to the A/C coil that will be installed in the provided space in the furnace cabinet in order to cool the home. This is no different from the addition of air conditioning in a typical installation.
If you're electing the heat pump, the process is nearly identical, but you'll need to use a HVAC subcontractor that can install the specific factory-recommended outside unit (which is akin to a condensing unit) that pairs with the indoor air handler to create a functioning heat pump. Note that, until the outdoor unit is installed, there will be no heating or cooling ability. Additionally, we'll need some paperwork verifying that you've installed the specific outdoor unit and that it's up and running. Once we review this documentation, certification is complete.